Sunday, November 4, 2012

Liberal Bias In Textbooks and Schools


Texas Kicks Out Liberal Bias From Textbooks
For years, liberals have imposed their revisionist history on our nation's public school students, expunging important facts and historic figures while loading the textbooks with liberal propagand

a, distortions and cliches.
In most states, the liberal education establishment enjoys total control over the state's board of education, department of education, and curriculum committees. Texas is different; the Texas State Board of Education is elected, and the people (even including parents!) have a voice.

The Jefferson Lies: Taking on the Critics

 Editor’s Note: What is the truth behind Thomas Nelson pulling the New York Times Best-Seller: The Jefferson Lies? Hear directly from the author, David Barton, answer his critics, in his own words.
And just as they have done with the Constitution, academic elitists have also tried to make themselves the sole caretakers of historical knowledge, holding that history is too complicated, with too many intricacies for the average person to understand. They even become intolerant of those who try to break through these false barriers and open history to the average citizen. I personally know this to be true, for I often find myself the object of their attacks

David Barton & Glenn Beck On GBTV the book "The Jefferson Lies" Exposing Myths Thomas Jefferson




A common tactic used by Deconstructionists to “deconstruct” and “efface” America’s traditional constitutional, moral, and religious values is to identify an exception or an anomaly and then publicize it as if it were commonplace and standard.
According to Yale Professor Jack Balkin, deconstruction “effaces [maligns, smears, and undermines] the subject” by posing “a continuous critique” to “lay low what was once high.” The popular objects of attack by Deconstructionists – that is, the things they most frequently “efface” – include “the Constitution, tradition, the family, or the history and culture of American sexual and domestic values” in order “to tear down the ancient certainties upon which Western Culture is founded.” The result of deconstructionism is a steady flow of belittling and negative portrayals of Western institutions, beliefs, and values.


Liberal Bias Starts in High School Economics Textbooks

Our classrooms are slowly becoming political lecture halls with teachers being pawns to further the doctrine of liberalism and “equality.”
 Throughout the entire textbook, there are historical, factual, and statistical distortions. For example, Chapter 36 ("The modern macroeconomic consensus") contains 16 sweeping generalizations such as: “Nearly all macroeconomists now agree… There is now a broad consensus… Today, most macroeconomists believe… Almost all macroeconomists now accept…” (pp. 355-58). None of these assertions are backed up with even a single citation. If a student were to submit an essay with such disregard for basic evidence, it would ensure a failing grade.
 Unfortunately, most of my classmates accept what’s in our textbooks as the “truth” and are unaware of other points of view such as the Cato Institute’s conclusion: “By the end of the Reagan years, the American economy was almost one-third larger than it was when they began.” Real median family income went up $4000 during the Reagan administration. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the unemployment rate declined from 7% in 1980 to 5.4% in 1988. There was a net job increase of about 21 million from the signing of the 1981 tax cut to 1988.

David Horowitz: David Horowitz at UCSD 5/10/2010. Hosted by Young Americans for Freedom and DHFC

Leftist Now Conservative Constitutionalists
Found Jesus, Born again Now Tells The Truth

 A Muslim Jew-hater and supporter of genocide is flushed out by David Horowitz at a speech during "Israel Apartheid Week at the University of California San Diego. Horowitz was hosted by Young Americans for Freedom. Visit the Horowitz Freedom Center Website at

David Horowitz and a leftist student at UCSD May 19, 2010


Kids Think We're Better Off Dead

She was taught this in school!!

A 12-year-old girl has responded with the stunning “I wish we didn’t exist” to questions about how she feels about pollution and humanity’s impact on the earth, according to a new video released by Brian Sussman, author of “Eco-Tyranny: How the Left’s Green Agenda will Dismantle America.”
The response came from a 6th-grade girl identified only as Kalie, from Gault Elementary. Sussman met her during Earth Day events in Santa Cruz, Calif., recently, where he traveled to ask “What is the most serious threat facing mankind?”
“Kalie has been green-washed to the point where she readily admits, ‘Sometimes I wish we didn’t exist,’” Sussman reported.
“How many other youngsters like Kalie have been led to believe that the human species should be eliminated?” he wondered.